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Written Translation (Unit: CNY/1000 Chinese words)
Language From foreign language to Chinese From Chinese to foreign language
General Technical General Technical
English 180-220 180-240 180-240 200-260
Japanese 220-240 240-280 240-280 260-320
Korean 220-240 240-280 240-280 260-320
German 240-260 240-280 260-320 260-320
French 240-260 240-280 260-320 260-320
Russian 260 260-320 280-340 260-360
Spanish 280-360 300-380
Portuguese 350-400 400-480
Italian 320-420 420-480
Arabic 350-500 400-560
Danish 350-500 400-560
Dutch 350-500 400-560
Czech 350-500 400-560
The above quotation is for your reference and specific prices are subject to adjustment according to the difficulty of the document to be translated and the industry to which the document is attributable.
Interpretation (Unit: CNY)
Type Chinese-English Chinese-Japanese/Korean Chinese –French/German/Russian Chinese - Portuguese / Italian / Arabic Chinese -Spanish/Mongol Others
Escort Interpretation 800-1500 1000-1800 1000-2800 1500-3500 1500-3500 1500-3500
Business Negotiation 1200-2800 1500-3500 1800-3500 2000-6500 2000-6500 3000-6500
Consecutive Interpretation 3500-8000 4000-8000 5500-9000 6000-9000 5000-9000 6500-9000
(1) Normal working hours: 8 hours a day. Customers shall pay us full price for our service of more than 4 hours and less than 8 hours, and 70% of the full price for our service of less than 4 hours;
(2)Customers shall bear the traveling, board and lodging expenses of our interpreters incurred by business trips required by customers.
Simultaneous Interpretation
Type Chinese-English Chinese-Japanese/Korean Chinese -German/French/Russian/Spanish/Italian
Per person per hour Per person per day Per person per hour Per person per day Per person per hour Per person per day
2200-2800 6300-8800 2800 8300-13000 3200 9800-16000
(1)General meetings often need a group of two simultaneous interpreters and big or high-level international conferences need a group of three to four.
(2)If you need our simultaneous interpretation service for big international conferences, we advice you to make a reservation ahead of two weeks.
Please call us at 021-51602329 for our offers for translation of audios or videos and translation localization, etc.