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What languages does FEIRUN focus on?

72 languages including English, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Arabic, German, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Thai, Malaysian, Portuguese, Italian, Hungarian and Cambodian

What industries does FEIRUN specialize in?

Trade, finance, art, construction, immigration, overseas study, game, law, business, journalism, literature, accounting, patented technology, statistics, machinery, automobile, chemical industry, environmental protection, energy, medicine, IT and electronics, etc.

What documents are often translated by FEIRUN?

Notarization& Certificate

Such as ID card, notarization, household register, property ownership certificate, employee’s card, driving license, passport, visa, diploma, degree certificate, admission card, birth certificate, obstetric discharge summary, death certificate, report card, certificate of merit or award, certificate of no criminal records and bank reference letter, etc.

Law & Business

Such as bid document, contract, agreement, attorney opinion letter, verdict, arbitral award, walking papers, emails, resolution of shareholders’ meeting, articles of association, all kinds of agreements and contracts, website text, and online games, etc.

Journalism & Literature

Such as press release, itinerary, promotional literature, real estate report, performance report, product presentation, employee handbook, preface, postscript, introduction to works of art as well as interpretation of audio and video, etc.

Overseas Study & Immigration

Such as study plan, letter of recommendation, course description, income certificate, employment certificate, various invoices, resume, marriage certificate, household register, birth certificate, resolution of shareholders’ meeting, articles of association, financial statement, audit report, capital verification report, labor contract, certificate of tax payment, and description of courtship, etc.