Home > Translation Process
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13761184839(Non-business Hours)
Your can send their documents you want to be translated to us onlineafter contacting us by MSN, SKPE, telephone and e-mail, etc, and consult with us on the details of our cooperation. After we achieve an agreement,

1We conclude a formal contract for translation service;

2You pay us some money as security deposit for our translation service;

3You send your remittance voucher or relevant payment voucher to us by fax or email;

4We will start to translate for you and calculate the project duration immediately after receiving your payment voucher and keep communication with you in the course of translation to figure out what we don’t understand to guarantee the quality of our translation;

5After you make the residual payment as provided by the contract between us, we will send the translation to you by e-mail, etc to you for acceptance and deliver the paper documentation of translation to you by express once the translation has been accepted by you.

6If you pay us on the nail, we will invoice you then and there; if you pay us through wire transfer and have told us your invoice information and mail address in advance, we will send the invoice to you by express at the expense of us.

Note: We would like to freely amend the translation for you as you require within 14 workdays after giving it to you.