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1Is FEIRUN a qualified translation company?
We are a legitimate translation company with a business license, registered with Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce and accredited by courts, notary offices, embassies and consulates as well as social security centers all over China especially in Shanghai, we own legitimate translation stamp applicable to documents to be submitted to the foregoing institutions (unless the institutions have designated other translation companies).

2What are FEIRUN’s requirements for the documents of customers to be translated by us?
① Please give us electronic documents as possible as you can. If you can only give us paper documents, please ensure that the text is legible.
② Please try not to amend the original document in the course of our translation, because it will affect our translation process and postpone the deadline when we give you the translation. In case that the translation of the content of the document you want to cancel has been completed when you inform us of canceling it, you still need to pay for the translation of the cancelled content.
③ Please provide us with necessary reference materials, so that our translators can finish the translation faster and better on the condition of keeping it correct.

3Do customers make payment in advance or after receiving our translation?
Due to the particularity of translation service that it can’t be returned, we will begin to translate for you after receiving part or all of your payment for our translation service.

4Can the translation be given to customers ahead of time?
To guarantee the quality of the translation, we would not suggest that our customers bring forward the deadline of our giving the translation. But if you are badly in need of using the translation, please tell us about it and we will try to give you the translation in advance as possible as we can.

5What will FEIRUN do if customers are unsatisfied with the quality of the translation?
We will call our customers for their feedback of the quality of the translation. If our customers are unsatisfied with the quality of our translation, we will freely amend the translation for them within “14 workdays after giving the translation to them” until they are satisfied.

(6Can FEIRUN invoice its customers? How to do it?
We provide our customers with legitimate non-VAT invoices. Customers need to tell us their checked invoice information and mail address ahead of time, and we generally send the invoice to them by express within 2 workdays after preliminary check.

(7How does FEIRUN charge for its translation service? What modes of payment are accepted by FEIRUN?
We charge for our translation service in accordance with the international practice in the translation industry, that is, we charge as per 1000 Chinese words (As for foreign documents, their word number will be converted into its Chinese counterpart according to a certain ratio), and we accept modes of payment such as cash payment, online payment and bank transfer, etc.

  Information of FEIRUN collection account:

Company Account Company Account for Receiving Overseas Remittance
Account Bank: SPD Tianshan Road Sub-branch Account Bank: Bank of China Shanghai Branch
Account Name: Shanghai Feirun Translation Co., Ltd. Account Name: Chen Enwei
A/C No.: 07633498640154740000457 A/C No.: 60138 208000 66438076
Address: No. 894, Tianshan Road Information about Swift Code:
Bank: Bank of China Shanghai Branch
Address: No. 200, Middle Yincheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China
Postcode: 200121
Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ 300

  Any other questions, please call our hotline 021-51602329.